How to Alter your Moodle Course Home Page

How to Alter your Moodle Course Home Page

Your Moodle Course can be altered to be your very own creation. Use the steps below to alter your course for the best possible student experience.

SageOnline Video Tutorial

To Add Materials (From Moodle Course Home Page):

  1. Edit Settings On - Top right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose a Module
  3. Click Add a Resource or Activity
  4. Select Type (Make adjustments)
  5. Select Save and Return to Course.

To Remove Materials:

  1. Edit Settings On -Top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select 'Edit' on the right of the Item.
  3. Select 'Delete'.
  4. Select 'Yes' when prompted.


  1. Rename items by clicking the edit pencil to the right of the item's name. Type and click enter when finished.
  2. Hide the items from student view by clicking 'Edit > Edit Settings > Hide'. This leaves Items available for another time.
  3. Move Items by using the 4-way arrow. Click, drag and drop.
  4. Add Identical items by clicking 'Edit > Edit Settings > Duplicate. You can move around and rename the item from there.