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If you are unable to sign into your AlertMedia account or forgot your password follow the steps below to access your account.

  1. Go to Here click on the Forgot Password hyperlink under the Password field.


  1. You will be asked to enter your Email or Mobile Phone number. Your Email address would be your email. Please note if you did not enter a Mobile Phone number into your profile you will only be able to use your Russell Sage email address to log in.


  1. Once you enter your RSC email address or Mobile Phone number click on RESET YOUR PASSWORD button.


  1. You will get this message after clicking RESET YOUR PASSWORD button. Click Close to close this popup window.


  1. You should receive an email with a password reset link. Please note: this message will go to all email and mobile phone numbers you have listed on your profile.


  1. Click either the “click here” or the list url in the password reset message. This will open a browser with the password reset option. Enter a new password in the Password field and then reenter the same new password in the Confirm Password field. Then click Reset Password. Your password is now reset. Go to and log in with your new password.
