How-To: Printing Using a Department Number

How-To: Printing Using a Department Number

This covers printing document through Papercut with your department code.

Here's how it's done

You will have the option to either choose to charge your personal account for personal printing or, to charge a shared account for printing done for The Sage Colleges.

Simply print like normal to one of the 4 printing queues used for Papercut as seen below:

ToshibaBWToshiba printers, printing black and white pages.
ToshibaColorToshiba printers, printing color pages.
HP-BWHP printers, printing black and white pages.
HP-ColorHP printers, printing color pages.

click photo to enlarge
A popup will appear allowing you to either charge personal your account or your department account using your 3 digit department number.

Wrapping up

After entering your 3 digit department code, that print job will be placed in the queue and charged accordingly.

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